Hallo Siemensteam,
wir versuchen das Licht anzusteuern und haben bisher den Befehl
ros2 service call iotbot / service/send_lighting iotbot_interface \srv\SENDLIGHTING (jason) übergeben. Wir bekommen eine succes-Meldung aber nicht passiert. Wie muss der konkrete jason-Parameter aussehen? (uint8 hilft uns leider nicht weiter)
Vielen Dank
Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Hello together,
to control the light via a ROS2 service call, you first of all have to source the workspace to be able to use the message type.
But as you get a success back, it seems like you already got that point.
I’m pretty sure that the input of your JSON object is not correct.
The input on the command line must look as following:
$ros2 service call /iotbot/srv/send_lighting iotbot_interface/srv/SendLighting "{red: 0, green: 0, blue: 150, command: 66}"
The right / and \ is very important on Linux. Also spaces in between words/paths can corrupt your cmd.
The parameters should be self explanatory. Only the last variable command
needs some explaining.
@apastore can you please provide a short table of possible commands that are reflected with different light patterns? Please be aware, that only some of them make use of the rgb-code.
Thank you.
Greetings from Mars @WVSGBerlin