Hello all!
After a long time of planning and testing, we have now worked out the tasks and points of our final event. Consisting of three phases, you will face the following challenges one after the other:
Phase I: The landing and preparations
Two months ago, the first group of IOTBots on Mars suddenly lost contact. You set out to see what the problem was and to help. Just now your robot has successfully landed on Mars.
| Challenge| Points |
| Test the robot’s driving commands. | 5 |
| Check the light patterns. | 3 / pattern |
| There is a flag next to your landing position. Find it. | 2 |
| Contact your robot via the NodeRED GUI by writing him a message (text field) | 2.5 |
| Your robot responds to your message in the GUI | 2.5 |
Phase II: Your operations on Mars begin. You can tackle these tasks in any order.
After successfully checking all systems on landing, you will go in search of your colleagues and explore the planet. Your robot has been equipped from us with a special tool, which will support you in some of your challenges.
Missing Member
| Challenge| Points |
| Find the location of your missing crew members (take a picture) | 5 |
| Free your buddy from his situation (Take a picture afterwards) | 5 |
TIPP: the last message from your colleagues was “The rocks are cracking!”.
Restores the power supply
| Challenge| Points |
| Find the power plant and see the current status (take a picture) | 5 |
| Find a way to turn the power plant back on (take a picture afterwards) | 5 |
Is there any water on Mars?
| Challenge| Points |
| Be the first humans to find water on Mars and search the area for it (take a picture) | 5 |
Are we really alone here?
| Challenge| Points |
| Look for a place where you could meet aliens … (Take a photo) | 5 |
Phase III: The completion of the mission and communication to the ground station.
After you have completed as many tasks as possible in the second phase, you must return to the original landing point. At this location, report what happened on the red planet to the base station using your documented photos.
| Challenge| Points |
| Go back to the landing position (take a picture of the flag) | 3 |
Show us your documentation* of the missions (on your computer):
| Uploaded Photo | Points |
| Flag after landing to determine the landing position. | 2 |
| What happened to the crew members? Photo before the rescue. | 2 |
| How were you able to rescue the crew members? Photo after the rescue. | 2 |
| What problems did the power plant have? Photo at your arrival. | 2 |
| By what could you repair the power supply? Photo of working power station. | 2 |
| You found water on Mars? | 2 |
| We are not alone. Show us our neighbor. | 2 |
*for all photos a timestamp is necessary like a clock in your GUI
These are the tasks for your mission. We are looking forward to your support for the first steps of the SSA. 
Feel free to discuss about it here. Best regards!